Friday, October 29, 2010

It's Friday Night...

And I am happy to be relaxing... This week I
1. Had a sore throat on Saturday

2. Felt better Saturday night

3. Had a yummy belated birthday lunch with friends on Sunday in which I might have eaten 44 shrimp. Burp. Excuse me.

4. Took a four. Hour. Nap. To the sounds of thunder and rain. sigh.

5. Woke up Monday feeling much better.

6. Cooked PioneerWoman's fried round steak for dinner.

7. Outraced the storm on Tuesday morning.

8. Went to work on Wednesday

9. Came home sick again. Never boast that you didn't get as sick as everyone else. You will eat those words.

10. Stayed home from work Thursday.

11. Started dog/cat/house sitting for friends.

12. Went to work today and almost lost my voice.

13. Am sitting on the couch watching an NCIS marathon with a sweet puppy snuggled up next to me.

And that's my week. Here's to getting healthy and puppies that cuddle. I miss mine.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oh Happiness

WooHoo! One of my favorite shows, NBC's Chuck, just got picked up for an additional 11 episodes which means a full 24 episode season! This makes me happy. Yes, it can be a little implausible and over the top, but what show isn't? Even reality shows aren't "real" anymore. Last season I so excited that more people from Chuck's life found out about his secret spy gig, especially his bestie Morgan Grimes, slacker with a heart of gold. Morgan's reaction was classic and just what it should be when one finds out their best friend is a genuine CIA agent. Even better, Morgan himself is now part of the team, a spot he earned for sure in last night's episode. Awesome and Ellie, Sarah, Casey and even Jeffster and Big Mike make this a fun, silly, and geektastic hour of entertainment and I'm glad we get to have it around a little while longer.
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Saturday, October 16, 2010


I guess I should start posting on a more regular basis.  I just looked at my stats and had no idea that I could see how many times my blog has been viewed by someone.  Guess I should give you something to look at right? 

I have rearranged some things and made it easier for me to access this blog in order to post, both from a computer and from my iPhone, so hopefully I will be much better at adding content here.  My eyes have improved to the point that even after staring at a computer at work all day, it doesn't bother them to stare at one when I get home :)

Last night I went to my small group Bible study at Amy and Isaac's house. We have been going through Francis Chan's book Crazy Love.  Good stuff.  Good discussions.  I'm being challenged.  

The rest of my weekend will be busy too.  Going out with Amy and Kim to dinner tonight then heading to my Aunt Peg's after church on Sunday for a family gathering/photo session.  My cousin Marchelle is gonna take some photos.  I'm excited.  Have you seen her work.  Its good.  Really good.  And I'm not saying that just cause she's my cousin.  Here, take a look for yourself.  Marchelle Mosley Photography

See.  Told you she was good.  

Allright,  lunch hour is almost over.  I'll be back soon, promise :)

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Awesome News!!!

I know I know, it's been forever since I posted, but I wanted to share some news. My ten year old cousin Maeci was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma this spring. She has been fightin' like a girl ever since! Her motto has been "God's got it" and she has put her hand in His this entire journey. Yesterday she had a PET scan and today we found out it was clear!!! WOOHOO MISS MAECI IS CANCER FREE!!!!!!!

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hi, It's been awhile...

Hi, Remember me?  I'm still not 100% health wise, but I am back on track and the end is in sight.  I mean that literally.  I can almost see correctly again.  Just a little double/blurriness when I look far off.  In fact, right now I am not wearing the prism and can see my computer screen just fine.  So here's the rundown...

The Bad...

not happy with the drug pushing doctor who won't take time to explain ANYTHING!  Seriously, I asked him if the high level of antibodies in my blood could indicate a disease other than the one he thinks I have and he just looks at me and says very smugly, well the type of antibodies you have are not present in healthy people.  you are very sick, but don't worry, we are gonna get this fixed.  EXCUSE ME WHAT???  Did that answer my question at all?  I wanted to smack him.  Don't worry, I do have an appointment for a second opinion, unfortunately not till June. 

I have gained way too much weight because of the meds making me ravenously hungry all the time.  Plus they make me tired and I am afraid to exhert myself by doing actual exercise, seeing that normal activity makes my heart feel like it is going to jump out of my chest. (Don't worry, its the drugs, I check my heart rate and pulse on a regular basis)

I'm running out clothes I can comfortably wear.  

The Good...

I big puffy heart with glitter love love love my opthomologist Dr, Yang!  She LISTENED to me.  She cared about my medical history and my similariteis with my mom.  She correctly diagnosed what happened to my eye.  She knows my mother's longtime neuro-opthomologist, Dr. Purvin.  She studied under Dr. P and told me we would watch out for signs of psuedo tumor and that if she couldn't fix me, she would send me to Dr. P.  I also heart Dr. Shah, the neurosurgeon who consulted for the intial skull problem they saw on the MRI.  He agrees with Dr. Yang's diagnosis on my eye and told me what to watch out for if the skull deformity becomes a real problem. 

I went shopping a couple of times at Kohl's (see above clothing complaint) and now have three cute new shirts, two pairs of capris, 1 pair of jeans and two pairs of sandals.  All the clothes came from the petitie department.  Pants are easy for me to find in the petite section, but shirts that fit right are rare, so it was a big score to find them.  Plus, between sales, kohl's cash, and discount coupons I only spent about $85 for all of the above.  My last trip was the most profitable, I got two shirts and a pair of capris for less than the original price of just one of the shirts!!

The contracts were up on the cell phones and I got an iPhone.  love it.   still playing with it.  need ideas/ recommendations for apps you can't live without.

Test post

Just testing mobile posting. You may return to your regular web browsing. I repeat, this is only a test.
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Thursday, January 28, 2010

I am my mother's daughter

WANTED: Normal life, must include good health, enjoyable job, great friends and loving family. 

Well, three out of four ain't bad.  Don't get me wrong, I am vey grateful for the blessings in my life.  I do have much to be thankful for.  However, I am dealing with some health issues and the complications from them. 

My eyes are playing games with me.  It was both of them at first, but now it is mostly my right eye.  Which explains why my left eye is now my new favorite eye.  Righty is not listening to me. 

I say "lets look to the right"  and it says, "no, I like the view of your nose better."  I say, "lets look straight ahead!"  Righty says "what did I just say?  You weren't listening were you?"  ARRRGH! 

As long as I keep Righty covered up, Lefty works just fine, so I have borrowed a trick from my Mom, who dealt with similar issues.  Its called a Redneck Eyepatch, i.e. black electrical tape on the right lense of my glasses.  I need a "Captain Jack Sparrow" wig or a parrot or something.

In the meantime, I am not allowed to drive or work (doctor's orders).  I go back to the doctor on Monday and hopefully will get clearance to go back to work (back to the blessings-I have a dad who is willing to play chauffer)    There are still many unawsered questions and I am getting a little stir-crazy, but I know that no one has a "normal" life.  It just doesn't exist.  So I will count my blessings, be grateful for what I do have and pray.

Tuesday Feb. 2nd will mark the third anniversay of Mom's homegoing.  She handled the trials she faced throughout her life with a few tears, a lot of grace and even more laughter.   I wanna be like her.

PS  Did you know you can magnify your view of an individual web page?  Its kinda helpful.

PPS Please forgive typos and misspellings, I'm only working with one eye here people :)

Saturday, January 09, 2010


While I really do not like the snow we have been dealing with lately, I have to admit that it has been quite pretty.  Its so cold, that it is not melting.  The result is it looks like God took out a big shaker jar of glitter and went crazy!

I would love to have a fireplace.  I would then waste hours staring at it.

I am very proud of my Cinnamon puppy!  Ok so she is not really a puppy, she is somewhere around 7 yrs. old. and probably weighs around 75 lbs  She is living with my sister and brother law right now and they got her out on Thursday when the kids had a snow day and they all played in the snow.  She didn't jump on the kids and even pulled them on the tobaggon. 

Between being sick, then the holidays, then being on prednisone, I have gained weight.  It is not good.  I need to shape up literally.   I need to cut back on the amount I am eating as well as what I am eating.  I also need to get some exercise.  The treadmilll has been cleaned off and I have no excuse to not try.