I hope you stare just long enough to see the heart that's beating here inside of me. Beyond all the things you may think you know I'm just a kid trying to make it home, that's it. No more, no less ~Mercy me
Thursday, December 08, 2011
A Favorite Childhood Memory
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Grandma's Pearls
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday Night Randomness
Ah well, at least it was a nice sunny day and I followed my rule of not engaging the stupid. Think of the Internet rule "don't feed the trolls." Same principle.
I'm trying to write more these days. Not just in my sorely neglected blog, but in other venues. One of my dreams is to someday write a novel. There won't ever be a novel if I don't start writing something.
I'm going to be 40 in three weeks. How the heck did that happen?
If only gas were cheaper. I would put into practice the line of a county tune I heard today. It's the perfect time of year to "put a little gravel in my travel" and take a drive through some backcountry. Sounds so good to me right now.
I ate cereal for dinner. This is what happens when you don't get home from work until 9pm.
There's a new season of tv starting next week. NCIS, Castle and Chuck are just a few I'm looking forward to.
Did I mention I'm almost 40? One good thing about a birthday in the fall? Red Lobster's endless shrimp. So who's taking me?
Yup. Randomness.
Goodnight everybody.
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Monday, April 18, 2011
There's a Magnolia Tree in the front yard

I have also discovered Instagram as a pretty nifty iPhone app for editing and uploading photos. I like the shading on this one.
Monday, March 21, 2011
I have no explanation
After I unloaded the car, I cleaned and sorted some stuff in my trunk. I have a lot of CDs. As I sorted them, I came across some I hadn't listened to in years. I ended up reloading my cd player. It holds six discs in the trunk. None of these are in my iTunes library. That must change. I left in the new cd I got a couple weeks ago by Group 1 Crew and added two dc Talk CDs, I daughtry cd and two Dixie Chicks CDs.
I. Have. No. Explanation.
But with the warm spring day, just driving home with the windows down and the music loud was not enough. If gas prices weren't so high, I might have just kept going. Maybe tomorrow.
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Monday, March 07, 2011
How is it possible?
So I guess I need to get started. I am a procrastinator at heart. I take forever to make up my mind. I weight the pros and cons for so long, they become useless. One thing I wanted to do was write more. You can see the length of time between this post and the previous one to know that is so true. I have recently re-discovered the world of fanfiction. What is that you ask? Its exactly what it sounds like. It is fictional accounts written by fans of established books, movies, tv shows etc.. People pick up on a character or event and run with it. It could be a simple "one shot" short story that the writer thinks should happen or a complete story arc with multiple chapters. Many times, fanfiction is the writer's dream of what "really" should have happened, especially when they dislike the way the original story plays out. They can create the happy ending in their own fictional universe. Most stories have an explanation up front describing when and where the story fits into the time-line of the original. Others are noted as AU (Alternate Universe) or non-canonical.
Most sites have categories of stories as well as ratings. This is the internet after all and people can post all sorts of junk. My advice is to narrow any search you do by limiting ratings and if I were you, I would stay far far away from slash. (you'll have to take my word for it or go google it) Trust me, we are talking brain scrubbing here people.
Some fanfiction is really good. Good writing, actual plots, believable. The rest is a combination of terrible writing, trashy plots, and just plain not plausible. And all of it at times can be extremely funny. For example, yesterday I stumbled across a short 6 chapter story that was based on the tv show Criminal Minds. The premise was what if all the characters were on facebook. It. Was. Hilarious! One of the funniest things I have read in a long time. I was in tears from laughing so hard. The author was dead on with the attitudes of each character, though it wasn't completely based on "canon." Maybe I will take a shot at writing some fanfiction myself. Though if I post it online, I don't know that I will publicly acknowledge it here. :)
So if it is March, that means Spring is around the corner. And not soon enough! I really want to get outside and walk. I am so over wearing a coat all the time. I need sunshine and green grass. I need warmth. I need longer days. Who's with me?
One last random note, I have been wanting cupcakes forever and I finally went on Saturday to the Flying Cupcake, in the rain no less, and grabbed a couple to take home and share. They were all good.
The cupcake box complete with raindrops. The sacrifices I make people!

And here we are. Red Velvet Elvis, Pucker Up, Salted Chocolate Caramel, and The Bart Simpson (butterfinger, get it?)

Monday, January 17, 2011
HAPPY NEW YEAR! or is it too late for that?
I enjoyed the holidays and was blessed to be able to see friends and family, even got to go to my first Colts game.
It's that time of year again. You know, the part where you are sick of the snow and cold weather? That's me right now. I wouldn't mind it at all if I was hanging out in some remote mountain cabin with a fireplace, a hot tub and a fully stocked pantry with nowhere to go. Or a chauffeur. It's the driving in the snow and ice that I really don't like. I would never make it if I lived any further north.
Today marks one year ago that my eye froze on me. Happily, it is all better now but I'm still dealing with the weight gain caused by the meds I was prescribed. I have been trying to get motivated to get some exercise, but I think I have been secretly afraid that if I overdid it, my eye would mess up again. Yes I know that makes no sense, but I remember walking on the treadmill around the same time and feeling really bad afterwards. I don't know if it was before or after the eye thing happened, but in my mind, they are associated. I need to move past that and get active or I'm going to have more health issues to deal with.
I'm not a big resolution maker but think this year I want to challenge myself. I want this to be a year of moving forward, taking risks and making changes. So we'll see how that goes.
Speaking of changes, I'm new to this o e space after a period thing instead of two. It's hard to stop doing it when that's how you've always done it. Anyone else having trouble with this?
That's all I got for the moment...
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