Saturday, April 18, 2009

On the other side

Well, it is over and done with. I have crossed the river so to speak. Life will always be a little bit different now. I have a new hip. it has been 12 days. I had surgery on the 7th and came home to Dad's on Friday. Before I left the hospital, I had to "pass" physical therapy. I walked short distances several times, mostly to the bathroom (yay!) but the last day, they wheeled me down to a special room. And in this room was the "test." It was a mini staircase, three steps high. All I had to do was make it up the stairs. I did great. They showed me how to use the railing and my walker both to balance and pull myself up. I made it! I thought to myself as I reached the top, whew! I can do this. and. then. I. turned. around.
OOPS! I have to get down from here somehow. They showed me how, but I nearly paniced right there. It would involve bending my surgery leg in a way I hadn't been able to in I don't know how long. I questioned their sanity in letting me come up to the top. What were they thinking!?! Those PT ladies were so patient, they just kept encourageing me and somehow, after I fought through the panic, I made it back down.

So now I am at Dad's house. Each day I feel a little stronger and can tell I am getting more and more movement back in my surgery leg. Enough that I am starting to get restless. Most days, I get up, sit in my chair, walk back and forth to the bathroom or the kitchen and then it is time for bed again. Today was really nice out, sunny and mid 70's. I went outside and sat in a chair and watched my Dad clean out my car then we took a ride out to see my sister's property and the progress on the house they are having built. It was so nice to get outside in the fresh air.

I have taken a few pictures here and there and I have a few more things to share about my recovery, but they can wait for another day. I just really wanted to say I am still here And I am on the other side.


Us said...

I can just see you at the top of the stairs! You poor thing, I would have panicked too! I'm glad you made it down, glad you FINALLY had surgery and glad that you are healing! Love ya! And good for you for putting Unkie to work!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are progressing! You looked like you felt much better last Friday than you did the Tues before. That kind of sounds like what Aunt Sandy use to say....Do you feel more like you do now than you did 'while ago??? lol I will see you Tuesday.
Love you, Aunt Peg

Mishel said...

Bless your heart! I can only imagine just how scared you were standing at the top of the mountain of stairs!!

I remember when Brian broke his hip, how painful and exhausting it was for him to walk from bed to the bathroom.

Then the dreaded PT came! We're praying for you, hang in there!