Saturday, May 02, 2009

Alive and well

Before I get to me, just wanted to report that my cousin Sheli had back surgery on Thursday and is doing well. Check out her blog, to read up on the miracles that have led up to her surgery.

I'm still hanging at Dad's house. This tuesday will be 4 weeks since my surgery. I think I am walking better and better. But, I have discovered that I need to be careful not to overdo it or underdo it. If I walk too much, I will pay for it later and if I walk too little, the same thing happens.

I am now able to lift my leg in and out of bed and in and out of the car by myself.

I made myself a sandwich and chips last night for dinner and have started to be able to do a few little things here and there. Problem is, I can't really carry anything because of the walker. Hence, Papa had to carry my sandwich to my chair for me :)

I can sort and fold laundry, just can't get it to and from the laundry room or in and out the washer and dryer.

The surgeon said I was walking good and progressing good on Thursday, but he is sending me to a plastic surgeon for my back. It is still pretty messed up. The skin is tight and stings when I shift positions and especially when I first sit up in the morning. In fact, I usually take a pain pill when I get up and one a few hours before bed, only because of my back. I don't think I need them for my hip much at all :) I go on Monday to see what they can do for me.

Looking forward to lunch out with Robin and Stacy after church tomorrow.

That's all I got right now :)

1 comment:

Us said...

So happy you are getting around much better!!! Love you!